The following list of projects details the projects I have been actively involved in in the past, or in which I am currently active. The involvement in the following research projects includes the writing of the project proposals and project reports, the project management in terms of handling the communication with other research partners, and the actual execution of the research projects (set-up of the study, analyses, scientific reporting, etc.).
Research projects funded by the public administration
Research into the profile of motor- and moped cyclists in Flanders: data analysis (Flemish Region, 2005-2006)
Focus on household mobility and energy consumption (Flemish Parliament, 2005-2006)
In-depth analysis of accidents with motorcyclists (Flemish Region, 2005-2006)
Traffic models (Flanders and other provinces): further elaboration (Flemish Region, 2009-2010)
Research into functional bicycle trips in Limburg - state of affairs of the bicycle trips, bicycle infrastructure and preconditions (Province of Limburg, 2008-2010)
Further development of Flemish traffic models (Flemish Government, 2009-2010)
Executing a statistical analysis on the transportation behaviour for the province of West-Flanders (Province of West-Flanders, 2010)
Layout of development scenarios and implementation paths for a new mobility plan Flanders (Flemish Government, 2009-2014)
Research on travel behaviour in Flanders: supporting and controlling assignment and analysis (Flemish Government, 2008-2015)
Research projects funded by research institutions and universities
Automated collection of activity-diary data to support dynamic travel behaviour modelling (Hasselt University-BOF GP, 2004-2007)
An activity-based approach for surveying and modelling travel behaviour (IWT-SBO, 2005-2009)
The valorisation of transportation models to enable sustainable transportation (DWTC-PODO, 2004-2006)
ESTiMATE A behavioural analysis and examination of environmental implications of multimodal transportation choice (DWTC-SSD2, 2007-2009)
Measuring road safety impacts of traffic policy measures using travel demand models (Hasselt University-BOF GP, 2007-2010)
A model-based approach for evaluating the safety and environmental effects of traffic policy measures (IWT-SBO, 2008-2011)
BELDAM Belgian Daily Mobility (BELSPO, 2008-2012)
BITS Bicycle Traffic indicators: identification and harmonization of data sources (BELSPO, 2008-2010)
MEBETA Methods for estimating Belgian traffic abroad and foreign traffic in Belgium (BELSPO, 2008-2010)
COST - Action TU0804: Survey HArmonisation with New Technologies Improvement (SHANTI) (ESF-COST, 2009-2013)
CONTRAP: Congestion-averse planning of transport (IWT-O&O, 2009-2011)
ORDERin F: Organizing Rhizomic DEvelopment along a Regional pilot network in Flanders (IWT-SBO, 2010-2013)
The inclusion of monetary constraints in activity-based models to account for the economic uncertainty of long term predictions of travel demand. (FWO-Post-doc, 2010-2013)
FLOODLAND: Landuse change and future flood risk: influence of micro-scale spatial patterns (University of Liège-ARC, 2013-2017)
INTRAS: Inequalities in traffic safety (BELSPO, 2013-2017)
COST - Action TU1305: Social networks and travel behaviour (ESF-COST, 2014-2018)